Open Data Terms of Use

These Terms of Use govern the use of Swisscom's Open Data Portal ("Open Data Portal"). The Open Data Portal is provided by Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd, with registered office at Alte Tiefenaustrasse 6, Worblaufen ("we" or "Swisscom"). By registering as a user of the Open Data Portal, you have agreed to these Terms of Use and establish a binding contractual relationship between yourself or the association represented by you ("User") and Swisscom.

1. Purpose and use of the Open Data Portal

Swisscom wants to contribute to the promotion of innovation and development in Switzerland and provides anonymised data from Swisscom's field of activity on the Open Data Portal ("Open Data").
Upon registration on the Open Data Portal, the User receives a substantively, geographically and temporally unlimited right to use the Open Data free of charge for private and commercial purposes, including research and development. The right of use also includes the right to publish the Open Data. If the Open Data are provided to third parties in their current form or following processing, the rights to use them may not be limited further than under these Terms of Use.
Should the User be interested in any further data, the User may contact us at the address mentioned in section 8. The nature and scope of the further data and the Terms of Use and conditions governing its use shall be governed by a separate contract concluded with Swisscom.

2. Responsibility of the User

The User is responsible at its own cost for procuring and operating the technological equipment required to use the Open Data Portal and the Open Data.
The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of its access credentials to the Open Data Portal. It is prohibited to disclose the access credentials to any third party.
The User may not manipulate the Open Data Portal or use it in such a manner that impairs or damages our technical infrastructure or undermines its security or integrity.
If any Open Data is used the User must in any case cite the Open Data Portal along with the URL as a source.
In the event of a breach of these Terms of Use, we are entitled to temporarily or permanently block access for the User to the Open Data Portal. For the duration of any blockage, the User is prohibited from registering again on the Open Data Portal or requesting or inducing a third party to register.
Use of the Open Data Portal and the Open Data shall occur under the sole responsibility of the User. In particular, the User bears sole responsibility for the results, insights, interpretations, knowledge, consequences, inferences, forms of use, products and services derived or developed by the User out of or based on use of the Open Data.

3. Exclusion of warranty

Insofar as permissible by law, Swisscom excludes any warranty regarding the Open Data Portal and the Open Data. In particular, we do not warrant uninterrupted access to the Open Data Portal or its operation without error or that the Open Data is accurate, up to date, correct, complete or reliable.

4. Limitation of liability

As far as permitted by law, Swisscom excludes any liability for losses arising as a result of the use of the Open Data, including in particular on the grounds that they are inaccurate, out of date, incorrect, incomplete or unreliable, or of the use of the Open Data Portal or as a result of disruptions of, changes to or the discontinuation of the Open Data Portal.

5. Alterations to and discontinuation of the Open Data Portal

We reserve the right to alter, delete or refrain from further publication of the Open Data provided at any time or to temporarily discontinue or permanently halt the operation of the Open Data Portal.

6. Amendment to the Terms of Use

These Terms of Use may be altered, amended or supplemented by us at any time. Any new Terms of Use will be published on the Open Data Portal. If the User disagrees with these new Terms of Use, the User may terminate his/her/its contractual relationship with us by deactivating his/her/its account. If the User continues to use the Open Data Portal, this will be deemed acceptance of the new Terms of Use.

7. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The contractual relationship between the User and us is governed exclusively by Swiss law waiving the conflict rules of international private law and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 11 April 1980. The sole place of jurisdiction is Zurich.

8. Contact

Should the User have any questions or suggestions concerning the Open Data Portal or these Terms of Use, the User may contact us using the contact form or by post at the following address:

  • Postal address:
  • Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd.
  • Data Governance
  • Alte Tiefenaustrasse 6
  • 3050 Bern